Has the Importance of Branding Changed during COVID?

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Many companies are focusing their efforts on applying for SBA loans and cutting back where ever they can to reduce their monthly burn rate. But still, we continue to watch wonderful small shops in our communities lock the doors and wonder if/when they'll reopen.

This pandemic is a gut-punch to small businesses. Personally, as someone who's business can continue, I feel a mix of guilt for being able to work and responsibility to help struggling businesses transition online where possible.

But I wonder what will happen to the businesses who can't transition and are left to wait.

I connected over video chat yesterday with a wedding photographer who has watched his income dry up with canceled weddings and who wonders when he will get back to work. During the downtime, he is keeping his spirits up by coming up with creative projects to stay busy. But, the sad truth is that his 'bread and butter' projects may be months away.

So is it best to just wait and reduce your monthly expenses?

Instead, I wonder if this time can be spent strengthening your company's branding. For each company, this may be different, but here are some elements to start with:

  1. Online Consistency. Review all your social media accounts and any additional platforms you are on (this depends on your industry) and make sure your logo, company description, and contact information is correct.

  2. Print Design Review. Do you use postcards, brochures, business cards, etc for your business? While you aren't going to personally hand them out for a little while, why not review them?... Do they all visually look like the same company? Do you feel they portray your company clearly?

  3. Voice. Play with your tagline, your mission statement, your elevator pitch. Think about your ideal client and ask yourself, "Is my messaging appropriate for this person?"

Branding comes down to clarity and consistency in design and voice. A great logo is great because it helps your ideal client connect with you. It is a part of the package.

"Branding gives your audience a clear sense of purpose and well-defined roadmap – a credible voice that people want to listen to." - Arpit Sinha, Entrepreneur.com

We may not be able to control when our economy begins to rebound. But, we do each have the option to focus on the positive and to improve what is within our control.

BrandingLauren Buis